Our unlock codes are 99.5% accurate. First check to see if you have followed our instructions correctly. Second, verify that you have entered the code in correctly. If it’s still not working verify that you have given us the correct IMEI, make, model of your device and network.
If all the information you sent us is accurate, you must provide with video proof displaying the phones IMEI number and unlock code sequence being punched in. Additionally, different devices have different refund requirements. So please contact us first before making the refund video.
If you are still having problems you can contact our support team.
We guarantee our codes to be 100% working and we will happy to give you a refund if our codes do not
work. We will offer you a refund only if .
Your code says “Not Found”
Provide visual proof that a code we gave you fails to unlock your device. Due to the nature of the unlocking business we require an image or video clip of your device showing the code error. Please contact us first, as different devices have different refund requirements
We have exhausted our support options and still fail to unlock your device.
After 2015 a lot of carriers in the U.S. begin adding a pre-installed app on the phone called "Device Unlock". Which causes it to not prompt for a code. But no worries, we absolutely can unlock these phones. We do hundreds of them a week. Instead of providing a code for the phone, we simply remote unlock it, like we would an iPhone. By moving the IMEI from the phone the "locked" column, to the "unlocked" column in the server database. So if you can't unlock it, let us help you!
Please Check Here for Device Unlock App Service
Note: You cannot cancel your order if it has been submitted and has begun processing.